contact lens contact lens

Diviniti OxyPro161 Multifocal

Multifocal contact lenses replace reading glasses and can provide clear vision at any focal distance – far, near, in mid distance, such as computer, etc. They are ideally suitable for age related far-sightedness correction and can be a good solution for vision correction for people aged over 45 nowadays.

Multifocal contact lenses

Human eye is designed to see clearly in distance and it needs to add power by contracting the inner ciliary muscle and changing the curve of the crystalline lens. The ability to change the focal distance to see clearly at any focal distance is called an accommodation. With passing years the crystalline lens of the human eye slowly loses its elasticity, accommodation decreases and the ability to see objects at closer focal distances is possible only with addition of special lenses. Multifocal lenses are capable of combining two optical powers allowing to see both in the far and near. The need for additional correction for nearby objects is called presbyopia. Diviniti multifocal contact lenses with Dual Balanced Design™ are specially designed to provide natural and undisturbed vision at all focal distances and any direction of viewing for presbyopia, allowing wearers to forget about their age and any discomfort of vision. If reading glasses have to be put on and taken off with changing viewing distances, and by using progressive lenses a person is limited by keeping the correct head and body position to ensure clear vision at various viewing distances, then with multifocal Diviniti contact lenses the wearer doesn’t have to worry about any of the inconveniences caused by glasses. The simultaneous vision mechanism allows to see the whole world clearly regardless of viewing distance and posture. For younger patients with presbyopia, who have lower near vision demands Diviniti Multifocal LOW is the best design choice. The lens design is aspherical, the center has the near vision prescription power that gradually decreases in the periphery of the lens until reaching the distance power. Contact lenses are just as thin and breathable as the regular spherical contact lenses. Patients that have more near vision demands will enjoy the benefits of the Diviniti Multifocal HIGH addition design. The clear vision is provided with three distinct zones embedded in the lenses – for distance, near and intermediate work distance, they are balanced to control the depth of focus ensuring clear vision at any focal length without any hindrance. In addition, the HIGH design lenses have a decentered near optical power taking into account convergence – that the eyes move closer together when looking at near objects. This provides clearer vision than traditional multifocal lens designs. Because of this feature HIGH contact lenses are marked with a special temporal marking – a little gray triangle. In the fitting process optometrist will instruct the patient for optimum results so the patient is capable of using all the advantages the Diviniti multifocal lens technology provides. Divinti Multifocal contact lens design is different from other manufacturer contact lenses, it is adapted to not only the distance viewing power, but also the age of the patient, allowing to fit even very demanding contact lens patients. Diviniti multifocal contact lenses combine all the technological advantages embedded in the spherical Diviniti contact lenses – they have excellent oxygen permeability, wettability and ability to retain water, elastic and soft material, excellent transparency and optical quality, thin and well-considered thickness profile, edge design, and the outstanding glossy surface with nanometer precision. Optometrist will fit each patient individually, taking into account individual prescription, ocular surface measurements and the unique fitting guide for Diviniti Multifocal contact lenses. The prescription that is written will be unique to Divinti contact lenses and no others, to ensure that the patient can utilize all the properties of this unique contact lens!

Diviniti monthly disposable multifocal specifications

Oxygen permeability Dk/t 161*10-9(cm/sec)·(mLO2/mL*mmHg)
Water content 40%
Lens thickness at center (at -3,00D) 0.08mm
Modulus 0,9 Mpa
Material Asmofilcon A (silicone hydrogel)
Base curve 8.6 mm
Diameter 14.2 mm
Spherical power +6.00D to -6.00D (0.25D step) -6.50D to -13.00D (0.50D step)
Addition +1.00 LOW +2.00 HIGH
Wear Daily wear, monthly replacement 
Packaging 3/6 lenses